Alimentaria Fair, Start me up in Barcelona

105/365 – Catalonia – Barcelona – Catalan Wine 365 at Alimentaria with friends!

Start me up……,

…. if you start me up I’ll never stop! WOW! Such a great experience to be able to, during two days, try a multitude of wines and at the asme time get to enjoy the company of old friends and also be able to make new acquaintances! Please enjoy the pictures and bear with with me until tomorrow, when you once again will read about a Catalan wine! My head is way to full of impressions, to be able to write about just one wine. Have to sort everything out, my mind as well as my notes! Hope to see you here tomorrow as well!

Plenty of tasting rooms and tastings going on the whole time. The interest for wines is high!

Plenty of tasting rooms and tastings going on the whole time. The interest for wines is high!

Marcel Sabate from Castellroig showcasing his new vintages!

Marcel Sabate from Castellroig showcasing his new vintages!

Ok, so it's not a wine from Catalonia! ABBA from Toro just had to get a spot anyway!

Ok, so it’s not a wine from Catalonia! ABBA from Toro just had to get a spot anyway!

Catalan Wine meets Don Quixote! A real nice guy with some good reds!

Catalan Wine meets Don Quixote! A real nice guy with some good reds!

Look what Avgvstvs Forvm is up to! Their new range for the younger market!

Look what Avgvstvs Forvm is up to! Their new range for the younger market!

A glass of red? Yes, please....., give me the bottle! Finca Olivardots, a fruity, fresh and expressive. A delicious young Empordà!

A glass of red? Yes, please….., give me the bottle! Finca Olivardots, a fruity, fresh and expressive. A delicious young Empordà!

Lagravera with their Onra range and Laltre 2013!

Lagravera with their Onra range and Laltre 2013!

Toni from Pascona Montsant was at Alimentaria checking up on competitors!

Toni from Pascona Montsant was at Alimentaria checking up on competitors!

Jane Ventura from Baix Penedes, amongst many of their products, the Sumoll 2012 stood out!

Jane Ventura from Baix Penedes, amongst many of their products, the Sumoll 2012 stood out!

Tomas Cusine is one of many wineries I still have to visit!

Tomas Cusine is one of many wineries I still have to visit!

Castell Sant Antoni, father and son constellation tasting for great success at the fair!

Castell Sant Antoni, father and son constellation tasting for great success at the fair!

I get really HAPPY when I get to taste the wines from Ferrer Bobet!

I get really HAPPY when I get to taste the wines from Ferrer Bobet!


276 to go!

Catalan Wine 365 and the SweetEasy Lifestyle


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